Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring fever.

Finally. We have been waiting months for this to come. We know that you have, too. The frost has melted, and the green is poking up through the ground. It's spring! Now that the weather is warming up, Jocelyn has been able to teach a few lessons on the courts outside and Joe has been playing catch with Stella. 

No one has been more appreciative of the warm weather than our dog, Stella. For most of the winter, her walks have been limited to quick jaunts around the apartment building because we haven't been able to romp around in the snow. But yesterday the temperature in Lincoln got above 70 for the first time this season. To celebrate we decided to spend the afternoon at the the Holmes Lake dog park in Lincoln. Stella was in heaven. To call this place a "park" would be an understatement. It's more like a dog ranch. There are about 20 acres for dogs to run around, and there are obstacles to run through as well as a creek that runs the length of the park. And on a busy day like Saturday, there were about 200 new dog friends for Stella to meet. We hope you are having as much fun with the warm weather as we are!