Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Ornamentally Superior
The Sigety Family is working hard to establish Christmas traditions that we can share with our children as our family grows. One of the traditions we decided on was getting a new ornament each year for our Christmas tree. Last year, we got an ornament from a holiday store for our first family ornament which featured one of our wedding pictures. It looks good, but it lacks that personal touch.
Well, at some point during the past year, Joe found out that Jocelyn had a hobby when she was a kid that she had hidden from him. Heard of Sculpy Clay? No? Now you have! Jocelyn has an amazing talent for sculpting clay figures, and using Jocelyn's know-how we made our ornament this year instead of buying it. After a quick lesson from Jocelyn, Joe did his face and the background, and Jocelyn was in charge of her face, Stella, and the holly leaves.
Merry Christmas, Don't Eat the Candy!
Monday, November 22, 2010
A Very Merry Pre-Thanksgiving Christmas to You!
Not much explanation needed here. Just enjoy another video blog post. It's easy. You don't even have to read it. Just press play!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Holiday Sprinkles Overloaded
Jocelyn catches Joe with his hands in the cookie jar.
We decided to make cookies on a Sunday night, and this not out of the ordinary for a young couple getting ready to start a new week. But when Jocelyn left the kitchen to answer the phone, Joe went to work decorating the cookies...
We decided to make cookies on a Sunday night, and this not out of the ordinary for a young couple getting ready to start a new week. But when Jocelyn left the kitchen to answer the phone, Joe went to work decorating the cookies...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Fun with iMovie.
We have gotten several requests from friends and family that they would like to see more video of us. Well, we are happy to oblige because Joe has new video editing software that he wants to play around with. A few people have told us that the video we put on the last post was "private" and unable to be viewed. That should be fixed now, so enjoy last week's video and the new one we are putting up today.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Huskers lose to Texas...and we shoot our sorrows away!
We spent Saturday with our friends, Brett and Annie, at their family cabin on the Platte river. We spent most of the day watching the Husker game with their family, but after the game we needed something to get our minds off of 8 dropped passes that lead to defeat. The Clarke family was kind enough to extend their Second Amendment rights to us. After the boys had taken their turns, Jocelyn was the first girl to step up to the plate! She was a great shot, and will now be voting Republican for the rest of her life.
[Blogger's Note: You can't see it very well, but Jocelyn hit the clay pigeon on the first shot. The second shot was to make sure it was dead.]
[Blogger's Note: You can't see it very well, but Jocelyn hit the clay pigeon on the first shot. The second shot was to make sure it was dead.]
Friday, October 8, 2010
It's been 1L of a month
It has been a month since we last posted, and we have something to say . . . Back off! Joe is in law school and Jocelyn is working. We are a busy go-getting couple, so you will receive no apologies.
On a less aggressive note, we have plenty of new stories to share. Law school is in full swing for Joe, and he spends most of his time with his nose literally in a book. Well . . . not literally, but figuratively. Because a reasonable person has a duty to exercise care to avoid any foreseeable risk. A jury would most likely conclude that a reasonable person should foresee that putting one's nose literally in book would cause harm to other people walking around him because he might bump into them. Failure to exercise care would result in a breach of said duty, and negligence would most likely lie. [At this point Jocelyn takes the computer from Joe and says, "Ok, Esquire. You're done."]
If you want to know about Lincoln, then you have to know that it is all about football. The Huskers have been playing very well, and spirits are generally high during the week. We decided to incorporate ourselves into Lincoln society, and the best way to do that is to dress like a Lincolnian. We went to the University Bookstore to get hooked up, and the pictures show us sorting through Nebraska gear.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Stella leaves her mark
You might ask yourself when you notice that you are welcomed to our blog with a picture of dog poo, "What kind of blog are you running here, Sigs?" Well, there is a story behind this picture, and it is hilarious. First of all, the puppy pie in question belongs to our dog Stella. If you have met Stella, you know she likes to chew on things....a lot. She is particularly skilled at tearing toys apart. Luckily, she has never destroyed any of our furniture or personal things, but that is because we always keep a fresh supply of toys for her. Her two favorite things are rubber bones and tennis balls.
With that in mind, we were taking Stella for a walk this morning around our apartment complex and we stopped outside our building to play a little catch. While we were playing Joe noticed what looked like a diseased doo-doo with blue and green mold all over it. Joe commented to Jocelyn, "What do you think that dog was eating that made its poop grow blue and green mold?" We both stooped down to take a closer look at the doggy deuce. We now invite you, the humble reader of The Notorious SIG to take a closer look. Go ahead, click on it. The mold you see is not mold at all: it is tennis ball fuzz and bits of blue rubber bone. We both look at each other, and then glance over at Stella who was sitting down and looking at us as. We couldn't stop laughing.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Zoo Blog!
This week we ventured to Omaha to visit the good ole' Henry Doorly Zoo with Dayne, Brooke, and the kids. It was awesome! Jocelyn and Brooke loved the gorilla exhibit (we may or may not have spent over an hour looking at the baby gorilla). Joe on the other hand loved the monkey exhibit. He was very amused with the fact that monkeys look like "little hairy men that are inappropriately dressed."
Albino Bengal Tiger |
Endangered Whitus Manus |
The Fierce Jocelyn |
The head Silverback Gorilla doing his thing |
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
"Play nice with the other kids, and don't bite anyone!"
These were the words of advice my loving wife gave to me as I left for the first day of law school. She is such a great support system! After studying for the LSAT, applying to schools all across the nation, and a cross country move I am proud to announce that law school has finally begun. I can honestly say that I am still not sure exactly what I am in for, but Jocelyn and I are having fun trying to figure it out together. There is so much information that you have to take in at once, I don't even know what I have really learned yet. Here are some things I have organized in an outline that explain what I know I have learned:
- You have to read a lot in law school.
- You have to study a lot in law school.
- You have to make a lot of outlines in law school.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sigety's Extreme Home Makeover
The house is all put together, and we are happy to have it done. We were planning on painting our living room and our bedroom, but those plans were scrapped for now. With me trying to find a job and Joe starting school in a few days we decided that it will be a project for later. Here are a few pictures of the living room unpacked and decorated.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sweet Home Nebraska
Normally driving from Salt Lake City to Lincoln takes about 13 hours. Pleasant? Certainly not. But do-able? Of course. However when you throw into the mix an Xterra that may not be rated to pull a BMW 325i piggy-back style on a U-Haul tow dolly, well... things get interesting. We soon found out that we couldn't drive faster than 65, otherwise the trailing German got a little wobbly. The 13 hour drive drew out to about 16 hours in total. Here are a few highlights from the trip.
Our last day in SLC
The wild fire we drove past near the Wyoming/Nebraska border
Our apartment 15 minutes after the move in. "After" pics coming soon.
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Big Move to the Big 10
We know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. We should have created this blog the day after we got married. That's what married couples do nowadays, right? They make blogs and babies. In fact, Blogs and Babies was the runner-up for the title of our blog. We just thought that The Notorious SIG was too clever to let go. We have been married for over a year now and there is a lot to catch you up on. Rather than go into a lengthy rhetoric on what we have been doing for the past year, we thought we would cut directly to a photo montage.

Honeymoon to Hawaii
The Arrival of Estelle Marie Buffonte, or Stella!
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